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Evelyn Lokey

June 6, 2015

Obituary Viewed 2403 times

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So sorry to hear about Evelyn's passing. She was one of the sweetest people I ever knew. Always willing to help and would whatever she was asked to do. She was a pleasure to work with and will be missed. Karen Townsend, Family Health Centers

Posted by Karen Townsend on June 15, 2015

Miss seeing and talking to you when I come to work. And that smile of yours was contagious. I know you are suffering no more and that you are smiling down on us. You will be missed. Praying for your husband, kids and family.

Posted by Kristina Hollingsworth on June 15, 2015

So sorry to read of Evelyn's death. She was one of my favorite students years ago at Jefferson County High School. Of course, I lost touch with her, but would think about her every time I passed the house where she once lived. My thoughts are with her family. One should always keep in touch with the favorites! Now Jane Peters

Posted by Jane Goss on June 14, 2015